Home Case Studies AI & Image Processing

AI & Image Processing


Manual interpretation of the random images, video footages and handwritten texts was very time consuming and required huge efforts. Our clients wanted solutions like Image recognition and objects analysis using latest Visual AI techniques.


Oxbow Intellect performed various R&D activities and provided solutions which can interpret random images & videos and provided meaningful reports instantly by extracting intelligent information from images and video footages. Visual AI implementation increased the safety of several operations and reduced the abnormal/unusual activities on a real time. 


  • Installation of High Resolution PTZ and Object Detection Cameras
  • Facial Recognition Security Cameras
  • Python Based Custom Algorithms
  • High speed image processing and real time reports
  • In-plant traffic intelligence & Driver facial recognitions
  • Unusual activities detection through video analytics
  • Intelligent Alarm systems installations
  • 24*7 monitoring

Sectors & Departments where services executed:

  • Power
  • Steel
  • Social Sectors
  • Transport
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