Home Case Studies Weighbridge Automation

Weighbridge Automation


Steel & Power plants of couple of large conglomerates in India was facing huge difficulties in managing manual weighment operations which was very time consuming and required huge efforts. They needed complete automated & unmanned weighbridge operations.


Oxbow Intellect provided complete weighbridge automation solution using high end technologies and IoTs. The solution not only mad the weighbridge unmanned but also has made the entire weighment process faster compared to manual process. Using various devices, equipment, sensors & control panels, team oxbow automated the existing weighbridges within a very short timeframe


  • Oxbow Intelligent dashboard for weighment
  • High frequency RFID reader
  • Water resistant traffic light signals
  • Cantilever & straight poles
  • ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) Cameras
  • Top mount CCTV cameras for material detection
  • IR based positioning sensors
  • Boom barriers
  • Public announcement systems
  • Digital & Jumbo displays
  • IoT & beacon-based sensors
  • Lightning Arrestors
  • Intelligent control panels & others
  • Cloud data storage

Sectors & Departments where services executed:

  • Power
  • Steel
  • Cement
  • Heavy Industries


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